I do read my horoscope, several versions. Do I 'believe' in them? Not really. The 'fortunes' they predict are vague at best and get recycled around year by year. I think of them as fun references, especially when the prediction seems to be real. My horoscope yesterday said 'everything you may wish to purchase may not be available, for example, you may wish to buy a vanilla ice cream and all the shop will have available will be chocolate,' or something like that. Darn if that did not appear to be true yesterday! So our mantra became "Accept the Chocolate!"
Salespeople in the stores looked at us funny when we said that to each other after every disappointment, but, then again, we are used to salespeople looking at us funny. Nice to know we can give some variety to their day, I guess.
There was a time that these little 'ant bites' would bother the life out of me. So many things were discombobulated yesterday I could have gotten very cranky, but I have tried to develop an attitude that eventually things will come to fruition. Snow will melt and Spring will come. Mice will stop annoying us in the Winter to be supplanted by mosquitoes and flies in the Summer. Wait, that was not very positive, was it? Anyway, we can get around the annoyances and handle whatever happens. "Accept the Chocolate!"
This is Ike, laying on top of Sunny (who is not happy about this situation). He was trying to find a replacement for Checkers after she died and started to lay next to - or on top of- anyone who came near him, just like he used to do with Checkers. I put this picture up because it is the last picture I took of Ike. He joined Checkers on February 9, passing peacefully in his sleep laying next to his Daddy. He was 18 years old. R.I.P.