I cannot believe it has been 2+ plus months since I posted anything here. Good thing I am not getting paid for this. Then again, if I were, I might write more. Truth is, I did write about a month ago, but my system or the Internet or the site or something 'dumped' an hour's worth of material to the vast wasteland somewhere. Frustration and all that, so I never got the itch to post anything else and figured out other things to do in the meantime.
The sum
mer season is here in the mountains. The first couple of drownings occurred in the Upper Delaware and one of the lakes. DWI's are up - ah, Summer! These occurrences have become a regular part of the main tourist season. Still, up until last week we had frost at night. I guess a few warm days and nights brings out the crazy in people. It also brings the requisite flies and mosquitoes to annoy us and we expect all this.
We painted our living room - finally. A warm antique white. Looks very cottage-y and clean. Next stop in the painting tour is the office. Funny thing about a spring clean-up - you find things! The worst/best was discovering the hiding place for the infamous blue disc to reboot our old PC. I am sure when I put it there, I thought it would be someplace where I would not lose it. Mission accomplished! Now a new conundrum - restore the old PC or donate it. It looks so big next to the new laptop, which is faster and does more. But the old PC was a workhorse for graphic applications and printing stuff. My husband wants to boot up the old thing and have the option of taking the laptop with him when he does sales calls or whatever. Esthetically, I do not miss the thing on the desk, but he is probably right. Your thoughts?
I also found out why the poor old thing crashed - the hard drive got over-heated. I have come to this conclusion after reading an article from the NY Times. Could have saved it by putting the hard drive in the freezer - who knew? I know it overheated from excess dust (isn't all dust 'excess?') from our covered kitty litter boxes which are on the other side of our office, behind a heavy curtain, on the other side of our washing machine and dryer. Read a previous post regarding my thoughts on a dust-free litter - there is no such thing!
So now I will cook our dinner - something I know I have control over, barring anything unforeseen. Of course, if it were 'foreseen' you could stop it - like giant oil leaks - or maybe not.
The sum
We painted our living room - finally. A warm antique white. Looks very cottage-y and clean. Next stop in the painting tour is the office. Funny thing about a spring clean-up - you find things! The worst/best was discovering the hiding place for the infamous blue disc to reboot our old PC. I am sure when I put it there, I thought it would be someplace where I would not lose it. Mission accomplished! Now a new conundrum - restore the old PC or donate it. It looks so big next to the new laptop, which is faster and does more. But the old PC was a workhorse for graphic applications and printing stuff. My husband wants to boot up the old thing and have the option of taking the laptop with him when he does sales calls or whatever. Esthetically, I do not miss the thing on the desk, but he is probably right. Your thoughts?
I also found out why the poor old thing crashed - the hard drive got over-heated. I have come to this conclusion after reading an article from the NY Times. Could have saved it by putting the hard drive in the freezer - who knew? I know it overheated from excess dust (isn't all dust 'excess?') from our covered kitty litter boxes which are on the other side of our office, behind a heavy curtain, on the other side of our washing machine and dryer. Read a previous post regarding my thoughts on a dust-free litter - there is no such thing!
So now I will cook our dinner - something I know I have control over, barring anything unforeseen. Of course, if it were 'foreseen' you could stop it - like giant oil leaks - or maybe not.