Sunday, September 27, 2009

Garage Organization

I have not posted lately, because we have been in the middle of one of our 'to do' tasks - clean and organize the garage. This is our first garage in a house that we own - we had a garage at a place we rented, but the place was so large that we loaned the garage to a friend who was moving from out of state. So, we have proved the old saying that you expand to the space you have, meaning the garage was very full, or at least appeared that way. Is a garage really meant to park a car inside? Really?

The expedition started with a thought out plan of where everything can go. Right! We pondered (mulled) this for a couple of weeks and made every excuse as to why we should not do it each day - it was too hot, it was too cold, too rainy, too nice to be cooped up inside, etc., etc. But finally, after going in the garage to look for something that I know we had and now could not find, we knew it had to be done now. My husband was between jobs, so we had no money and no place we had to be. No excuses....

First is sorting. That is followed by "What is this?" Followed by "What does this go to?" And then "Why do we have this?" After spending an inordinate amount of time figuring out what things were, we spend even more time getting it out of there. Really, have we only lived here four years? I knew moving in on April Fools Day would come back to bite us!

Next comes the arguing. "Why is this here?" "Do we really need this?" "Have we ever used this?" "How does this work?" "Why did we buy this?" We didn't get as angry as we could have, as we knew this would be a very trying experience for both of us. Nice thing about getting older; we have had the big arguments and we realize that we will probably get the same answers, so we just walk away, cool down and get back to work.

This all took about a week of sorting, organizing, hanging, and tossing. Then comes that proud moment when we can see the floor and there are work surfaces again. When we go to get a tool and it is where it belongs and only takes a minute to retrieve, as opposed to an hour of cursing trying to find it ("I know I put it here - Who moved it?")

So I took some pictures so we can record this great moment in history (the ones below show a little work still to be done). And, so far, we are taking great pains to put stuff where it belongs. If this works, cars will be in the garage - what a concept!

1 comment:

Gladiator GarageWorks said...

Glad to see that you were able to organize your garage--and thanks for sharing your story!

We'll be sure to pass this post along to our Gladiator Garageworks Facebook community, too!